Playing with Light and Sound

Opened to the public in June 2009, the brand-new Connecticut Science Center houses an impressive array of digital interactive exhibits that encourages the visitors explore all areas of science. Sound Playground is a set of interactive sculptures that you can use to compose music with friends.

Four colorful digital instruments are presented: a ‘rhythm’ sequencer with 64 touch-sensitive key controls, a ‘melody’ fret board with 13 touch-sensitive frets, ‘harmony’ wheels whose tops spin to make, well, harmony, and an upright digital bass. The exhibit is meant for several people to jam together.

Under the project leadership of Jeff Kennedy Associates, Aesthetec worked closely with AV&C, a New York based cutting-edge technology integration company, to build the sculptures using customized LED and sensor controls. The exhibit employs several hundred RGB LEDs, touch sensors, and Ethernet controllers – all designed specifically for the museum. Special emphasis was placed on designing highly modular and easily maintainable electronics to ensure long-term activity of the exhibit.

Our Roles

  • Electronic Design
  • Custom electronic fabrication
  • Custom firmware
  • Programming & Installation

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